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From:  $1,728.00 Excl. gst

  • Larger Platform Deck for More Workspace
  • Lightweight and Durable
  • 150 Kg Load Rating
  • Strong Box Jointing System for Strength
  • Ground Isolated Fibreglass Construction

These Mobile Fibreglass Platform-Steps are the ideal choice for Electrical Contractor. These ladders are reliable in the world’s harshest  environments. 

Available in both 450mm & 550mm wide & CorrosionMaster 550mm (Stainless over Aluminium) series – Pricing upon Request

Both the FPL and FPW series can be fitted with Castors or Wheels.

BRANACH MOBILE Fibreglass Platform Ladder.

Castors provide an efficient means of moving step-platforms. Workmaster Mobile Step-Platforms have two methods to provide mobility with castors. Platform heights up to 1.8 meters use castors with springs (CA model). The default position of these castors allows the ladder to move easily. Under the weight of the user the castors retract therefore making the ladder stationary. Castors with springs are practical if you need to frequently re-position your ladder. For example around a factory floor or large flat areas.

Platform heights over 1.8 meters use castors with levers (CN /CW models). Moving the lever allows the ladder to roll freely. Reversing the action retracts the castors and therefore makes the ladder stationary. Castors with levers are great if you are having mobility issues with your ladder. Or if you just want to increase efficiency and safety when moving your ladder.

An alternative to castors is wheels. The Outdoor Wheel Kit (OK model). Allows the user to tip the ladder and pull or push it around uneven ground with ease. The Outdoor Wheel Kit is particularly useful if the ladder frequently needs to be moved around a large work site.
Both the FPL and FPW (wide platform) series Step-Platforms can be fitted with Castors or Wheels.

SIZES 0.60m – 3.6m | AS 1892 | Load rating 150 Kg.

  • Safe for electrical work
  • Heat resistance 130 degrees Celsius
  • Chemical resistance
  • Accelerated weather tested
Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Ladder Type

Platform Step Mobile






450mm Wide Platform, 550mm Wide Platform, CorrosionMaster


Castors, Outdoor Wheel Kit

Warehouse Locations

Australia wide delivery, Collect from Rowille (VIC)

Shipping & Delivery

This item is available for Australia Wide Delivery by road transport.
For delivery times or express delivery contact us.

This item is also available for pick-up from the following location- Rowville. (Melbourne)
Pick-up hours: Monday to Thursday 8.00am top 3.00pm. Friday 8.00am to 12.00 noon (excluding Public Holidays)

Note: This location does not take payments. To enable pick-up pay your invoice.
On payment receipt you will receive a pick-up authorisation including pick-up address.

Delivery Address
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⇒ Product Brochure

⇒ Specification & Sizing – 450mm Series

⇒ Specification & Sizing – 550mm Series


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